Ordinances are rules, laws or statutes adopted by a municipal legislative body. The Town Board acts to adopt these ordinances that have the force and effect of a law, the violation of which may be enforced in court.
Animal Control
- Human Society of Waupaca County Memo 8-21-23
- MOU Providing Loose Dog Care
- Deposit Schedule 1-19-09 (2009)
- Ordinance NO. 1-19-09 (2009) Adopting Regulations for Dogs and Cats
- Ordinance NO. 2-16 (1998) Trespass to the Dog Pound: Other Prohibitions
- Ordinance NO. 3-5-93 (1993) Regulating Dogs Running at Large
- Ordinance NO. 4-1960 Keeping of Dogs
- Town of Farmington Bond Schedule 4-17-1995
Board of Review
- Ordinance NO. 1-15-18 (2018) Appointments
- Ordinance NO. 5-15-17A (2017) Confidentiality of Income and Expenses Records
- Ordinance NO. 5-18-09 (2009) Amend No.3-19-07C (2007) Section 5-Appointments
- Ordinance NO. 3-19-07C (2007) Appoint Alternate Members for Board of Review
- Ordinance NO. 3-19-07B (2007) Appointed Clerk/Treasurer as a Member of Board of Review
- Ordinance NO. 04-15-02-A Appointment of Alternates to Serve on the Town Board of Review
- Ordinance NO. 04-15-02-B Confidentiality
- Ordinance NO. 4-17-2000 Alternate Members for Board of Review
- Ordinance 5/17/21 (2021) Amending Ordinance 12/21/20(2020) Room Tax to Include Annual Permit Fee
- Ordinance 12/21/20 (2020) Establishing an 8% Room Tax
- Ordinance 12.18.17 (2017) Amend Ordinance 9-21-09 (2009) Permit Fees for Other Than 1&2 Family Residences
- Ordinance 12-17-12 (2012) Amending Ordinance 9-21-09 (2009) Permit Fees
- Ordinance 9-21-09 (2009) Amending Ordinance 2-16-04 (2004) Building Code Section 5 Building Permits Inspections
- Ordinance 7-15-13 (2013) Amending Ordinance 9-21-09 (2009) Building Code
- Ordinance 2-16-04 (A) 2004 Amending Ordinance 1-5-93 (1993) Building Code Section 5 Permits & Inspections
- Ordinance 6/15/09 (2009) Amending Ordinance 7/16/07 (2007)Building Permits & Inspection Fees
- Ordinance 7/16/07 (2007) Amending Ordinance 2/16/04 (A) 2004 Building Permits & Inspection Fees
- Agreement Town of Farmington & Robert Underberg Building Inspector August 20, 2007
- Agreement Town of Farmington & Richard Mann March 15, 2004
- Ordinance NO. 10-17 (2016) Repealing and Recreating the Building Code
- Ordinance NO. 1-5-93 (1993) Building Code
- Ordinance NO. 10-08-80 Code for One and Two Family Dwellings
Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance No. 1/20/21 (2021) An Ordinance to Adopt an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance 10/17/19 (2019) An Ordinance to Adopt an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance No. 6/18/18 (2018) Ordinance to Adopt and Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance NO. 2-15-1
- 6 Amendment to Comprehensive Plan Ordinance NO. 06/15 (2015) Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance NO. 06-10-13 (2013) Adopting an Amendment to Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance NO. 08-07-07 (2007) Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance NO. 7/17/06 (2006) Create a Town Planning Commission
Land Division
Liquor Licensing
- Ordinance 12-19-22 Governing Dances, Dance Halls and Liquor Establishments
- Ordinance 5-18 (2015) Cancellation of Alcohol Beverage Licenses for Non-Use
- Ordinance 7-20-09 (2009) Class A Alcohol Beverages Licenses
- Ordinance NO.3/15/04 (2004) Delinquent Taxes, Assessments or Other Claims before
- Ordinance 02-20-06A Prohibiting Live Totally Nude Erotic Dancing in Establishments Licensed To Sell Alcohol
- Ordinance 2/16/04 (B) (2004) Establishing Fees For Licenses
Mobile Home Parks
Municipality Agreements
- Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Cell Tower Agreement
- Waupaca Room Tax Commission and Tourism Zone Agreement
- Waupaca School District Sheltering Agreement
- For the Purpose of Waupaca County Sheriff Dept. Patrolling the Chain O'Lakes on the Towns of Farmington & Dayton
- Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Waupaca Park & Rec Youth Recreation Program
- Memorandum of Understanding with City of Waupaca Senior Center 2021
- Memorandum of Understanding with Sheriff 2019
- Memorandum of Understanding with Waupaca County Treasurer Direct Pay
- Memorandum of Understanding for Statewide WisVote with County Clerk
- Agreement 1-15-2018 Ambulance Service
- Memorandum of Understanding with Sheriff 05-20-13 (2013)
- Memorandum of Understanding 3-14-11 with Dayton, Sheriff and Veterans Affairs
- Recycling/Composting Center 7/20/2010
- Solid Waste 11/11/2010
- County/Municipal Recycling Agreement & Addendum
Public Peace & Good Order
- Ord 11-18-24B(2024) Amend Speed Limit Hill St
- Ordinance 11-15-21 (2021) An Ordinance Establishing a No Thru Truck Traffic Foley Drive South
- Ordinance 09/20/21 (2021) An Ordinance Amending the Established Speed Limit on Golke Rd
- Ordinance 6/21/21 (2021) An Ordinance for Seasonal No Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance 7-20-20C (2020) An Ordinance Amending the Regulations on the Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance NО.7-20-20B (2020) An Ordinance Establishing a Posted Speed Limit on Knight Lane
- Ordinance NО.7-20-20A (2020) An Ordinance Amending the Regulations on the Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance NО. 10-21-19 (2019) An Ordinance Amending the Showing Established Stop Sign Locations
- Ordinance NО. 06-17-19B (2019) Ordinance to Install a Stop Sign
- Ordinance NО. 06-17-19A (2019) An Ordinance Showing Established Stop Sign Locations
- Ordinance NО. 05/20/19 (2019) Ordinance Establishing the Banning of Snow and Water Placements on Roads
- Ordinance NО. 05-20-19 (2019) An Ordinance to Install a Stop Sign
- Ordinance NО. 10-15-18 (2018) Temporary No Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance NO. 10-15-18 (2018) Amending the Regulations on the Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance NO. 9/17/18 (2018) An Ordinance Establishing Seasonal Weight Limits
- Ordinance NO. 8-20-18 (2018) An Ordinance Amending the Regulations on the Parking of Vehicles On Streets in the Town of Farmington
- Ordinance NO. 6/21/04 (2004) Speed Limit on Butts Drive
- Ordinance NO. 1-94 (1994) Speed Restrictions on Anderson Rd
- Ordinance NO. 7-20-87 Speed Zone on Cleghorn Rd
- Ordinance NO. 5/15/17 (2017) Speed Limit of Foley Drive
- Ordinance NO. 07-18-16 (2016) Speed Limit on a Portion of Foley Drive
- Ordinance NO. 6/19/17(B) (2017) Speed Limit on Golke Rd
- Ordinance NO. 09-16-85 Speed Zone on King Rd
- Ordinance NO. 09-18-2006 Speed Limit on Larson Rd
- Ordinance NO. 06/19/17C (2017) No Thru Truck Traffic on Otter Dr
- Ordinance NO. 5-18 (2009) Parking of Vehicles on Pine Ridge Lane
- Ordinance NO. 05-20-13 (2013) Parking of Vehicles on Streets Rieben Road
- Ordinance NO. 9-19-88 Minimum Design Standards for Town Roads
- Ordinance 1966 Regulating Traffic Upon Streets and Highways
- Ordinance 06-19-17A (2017) No Loitering/No Smoking Sign on Taylor Court
- Ordinance NO. 05-20-13 (2013) Parking of Vehicles on Streets Whispering Pines
- Ordinance NO. 3-19-07 (2007) Weight Restriction on Frost Valley Road Bridge
- Ordinance NO. 05/20/13 (2013) Parking of Vehicles on Pine Ridge & Otter Dr.
- Ordinance NO. 05/12/2 (2000) Parking of Vehicles on County Park Ln & Cleghorn Rd
- Ord 10-16-24(2024) Amend 6-21-21(2021) Seasonal No Parking
- Ord 11-18-24A(2024) Amend Speed Limit Pryse Dr
- Ord 11-18-24B(2024) Amend Speed Limit Hill St
- Ord 11-18-24C(2024) Amend Speed Limit N Foley Dr
- Ord 12-16-24A(2024) Accommodating Utilities in Town Road Right of Way
Sanitary District
School Truancy
Town Business
- Ordinance NO. 5/18/20 (2020) An Ordinance to Amend the Regulations on the Placement of Buoys No. /16/10 (2010) and No/ 7/16/18C (2018) And Designate Slow No Wake Area
- Ordinance NO. 04/21/20 (2020) An Ordinance to Establish Alternative Payment Procedure in Emergency
- Ordinance 11-18-19 (2019) Amendment of Ordinance 7/16/18A (2018) ATV/UTV Routes on Town of Famington Roads
- Ordinance 9/16/19 (2019) Procurement Policy for the Town of Farmington Waupaca County
- Ordinance 7-15-19 (2019) to Amend Ordinance 07-16-18 (2018) Regulating Parking at Waupaca High School
- Ordinance 07-16-18A (2018) ATV/UTV
- Ordinance 07-16-18B (2018) Regulating Parking at High School Parking Lot
- Ordinance 07-16-18C (2018) Placement of Bouys
- Ordinance 07-16-18C (2018) Traffic Ticket Fees
- Ordinance 05-21-18A (2018) Allowing Town Assessor to view Building Plans
- Ordinance 12-17-07 (2007) Exemption from Treasurer's Bond
- Ordinance NO. 2-5-93 Uniform Citation Method
- Ordinance NO. 5-15 (1995) Duties of the Town Constables
- Ordinance NO. 3-21-16 (2016) Destruction of Obsolete Records
- Ordinance NO. 04/16/12 (2012) Extend Town Officer Terms
- Ordinance NO. 4-21 (1997) Establishing the Duties of Town Law Enforcement Officers
- Ordinance NO. 11-16-98 Alternative Claim Procedure for Refunds of Tax Payments
- Ordinance Town Constable
Water Safety Boating
- Ord 7-23-24(2024) Restrict Artifical Wake Enhancement on Certain Lakes within Farmington
- Ordinance 7/16/18C (2018)
- Ordinance 5/17/21 (2021) Regulate Boating Round Lake for Fireworks Prep
- Ordinance Landing of Aircraft on the Waupaca Chain O'Lakes
- Ordinance Number 6 Regulate Water Traffic, Boating and Water Sports
- Ordinance NO. 6 Boating Regulations
- Ordinance 1949 Regulate Motor Boats, Water Skis, and Surf Boards
- Ordinance NO. 08-16-10 (2010) Placement of Buoys
- Lease Agreement Columbia Lake Boat Access
- Lease Agreement Grandview Small Boat Access
- Ordinance NO. 6 Slow No Wake-Snug Harbor Cave in Columbia Lake
- Lease Agreement Taylor Lake Boat Access
- Ordinance to Regulate Boating 98-1